Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall Quilting in the Hoop

When I completed my year (2007-2008) as President of Springfield Chapter of Quilters Unlimited my two vice-presidents, Beth and Cindy, presented to me a beautiful quilt top consisting of blue and white snowball blocks made by many members of our guild.  Beth did a stunning job of putting the blocks together and adding the borders.  The quilt is a reproduction of a much admired antique quilt another member of the guild, Loretta, owns.

A quilt top this beautiful must be hand quilted, and so I have begun doing so this month.  This will be my quilting project this fall. 

1 comment:

Rebecca in CO said...

What a VERY SPECIAL gift you have received, something you can treasure forever! Wish I could get my quilting mojo back. I used to love hand quilting!