Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sea Mist Gansey for the 2010 Knitting Olympics

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, the "Yarn Harlot," has issued a 2010 Knitting Olympics challenge on her blog - to start and finish a challenging knitting project during the Olympic games in Vancouver.

My choice for this Olympics is a project that I have wanted to make for over three years.  That many years ago I found the book "Sweaters from A New England Village" by Candace Eisner Strick in my local library. 

The book, published in 1996, tells the story of Harrisville, New Hampshire and Candace's fascination with the beautiful Harrisville Design's yarns, and contains 20 of her original patterns featuring the Harrisville  Designs yarns.  I immediately fell in love with the "Sea Mist Gansey" sweater pattern, to be knit with a worsted yarn.
Shortly after finding the pattern I went to Stitches East in Baltimore in October 2006 and there, to my surprise, was a booth of Harrisville Designs Yarns.  The beautiful Orchid yarn (wool, mohair, and cashmere) in Juniper green appealed to me immediately so six skeins came home with me.  I immediately wound the hanks into cakes ... and the yarn has been sitting in the drawer ever since.

Fast forward to the present.  When Stephanie announced her Knitting Olympics I decided that now is the time to knit the sweater - a winter sweater for the winter games.

Being the accountant I worked up a spreadsheet of the various parts of the sweater and the stitch count (50,143), then set up daily goals.  So far, as of Saturday night, I am ahead of schedule!

Enough blogging - now back to knitting and watching winter sports!


Nancy said...

Good luck. I'm sure you'll finish it by the end of the closing ceremony!

Rebecca said...

You go, girl! Looks like you will be getting the gold.

Cindy Madden said...

That is one gorgeous sweater! The textured stitches and cables are fabulous. Can't wait to see it finished!