Wednesday, February 01, 2012

January 2012 summary

January was a busy month for my sewing machine ...

Operation Kid Comfort quilt for Topher in Anchorage, AK

Operation Kid Comfort quilt for Lane in Anchorage, AK

And for my knitting needles, mostly using yarn from The Stash.
I knit up 10 skeins/839 grams/1801 yards in January (but who's counting!) ...

Two baby hats using Red Heart Collage yarn, for the Anchorage Stork Project

Hooded baby sweater using Red Heart Collage yarn, for the Anchorage Stork Project
"Dylan Beanie" using the rest of the Collage yarn, for Kate
"Mardi Gras" socks, using some Regia yarn, the most vintage sock yarn in my stash (circa 2006), for me
Top down hat, using Leftover Lion Brand Homespun, for charity
Three top down hats, using Lion Brand Suede Print yarn, for charity
"Tubey" hat (Wooly Wormhead design), using Caron Spa yarn doubled, for charity

 "Shoemaker's Hat", using Puffin yarn by Quince & Co,
a 100% American wool from US sheep and spun
in a mill in New England,
for me

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Wow Julia, you are busy, busy this winter. What is the pattern you used for the baby hats?

You are a a special gal making the quilts for children..