I just finished listening to an amazing book ... The Seamstress by Frances de Pontes Peebles. The basic plot is about two sisters, Emilia and Luzia dos Santos, who live in the province of Pernambuco in Brazil in the late 1920's and early 1030's. Both sisters have been taught seamstress skills by their Aunt Sophie - how to cut, how to mend, and how to conceal. The author has divided her novel into chapters which alternately tell the story of Luzia, who is abducted by a group of outlaw "cangaceiros " and lives her life as a nomad in the scrubland, and Emilia, who marries a wealthy young man and moves to the city. The sisters' lives diverge in ways they could never have imagined.
The book has been described as "an enthralling novel of love and courage, loyalty and adventure, that brings to life a faraway time and place". I highly recommend it. And I highly recommend listening to it while knitting and quilting (21 CD's in the library edition)!