Friday, July 19, 2013

SPULs (small projects using leftovers)

It has been a long time since I've written.  Perhaps there are still a few of you out there who have patiently waited for me to return to blogging.

I have been busy creating ... quilting, knitting, crocheting, even a little cross-stitch.  And there have been trips to Louisiana and North Carolina to visit daughters, and most recently a family reunion to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday..  But I will refrain from boring you with what I have done over the past year and a half.  Let's move forward!

Over the past couple days I have realized that I have lots of oddiments of leftover yarn from various completed projects, and a few bits of yarn that I have picked up at the "free to a good home" table at one of my quilting guilds.  The time has come to create useful items for others with these bits.  Here's a photo, taken this morning, of the gathered yarns. 

I am calling what I create from these yarns my "SPULs."  Some yarns are just enough for one baby hat; other yarns are in sufficient quantity for an adult hat; yet others will result in a baby sweater or several hats.  Stick with me over the next couple months and follow my progress.

(Yes, the project in the uppermost left corner is almost done, but it isn't complete, so it counts.)